Ahera Information


  July 1, 2022


To Administration, Staff, & Public At Large:

In spring of 1989, an inspection of all buildings used by the Rhea County School System was conducted by an accredited environmental consulting firm to determine the presence and location of friable and non-friable asbestos materials in all Department of Education facilities.   All buildings were inspected in accordance with E.P.A. guidelines for asbestos-containing materials ( i.e., 40 CFR Part 763 ).  Asbestos containing materials were found in several older school buildings and a management plan was implemented by the Rhea County School System – copies of which are available at the Superintendent’s office in Dayton, Tennessee.

Asbestos poses a widespread concern for everyone since it was used extensively in buildings and homes constructed from 1946 through 1973 for insulation, acoustical purposes, and / or fire retardation.   During that time, asbestos was a government-approved building material and was considered almost a miracle substance because of its fire retardant and insulating properties.  However, airborne asbestos fibers are a health hazard and have been linked with different types of abdominal and lung cancers.   We are therefore committed to taking corrective measures and our asbestos control efforts are based on the advice of experts knowledgeable in asbestos control and abatement techniques. 

The purpose of this letter is to advise you that the Rhea County Department of Education – Levengood Education Center - has been certified by the Architect/Builders as having had any and all asbestos materials removed during renovation before the Board acquired it.   Also, no asbestos material was either specified nor used in the building’s renovation.   Copies of the letter certifying this as well as any other pertinent information is available for viewing in the school office and at the Rhea County Department of Education in Dayton, Tennessee.   If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Charles Smith, Asbestos Program Manager at the address and numbers listed above.   Thank you.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Charles Smith, Asbestos Program Manager at the address and numbers listed above.  Thank you.



Charles Smith

Asbestos Program ManagerRhea County Department of Education